Friday, March 2, 2012

Haribo Smurfs

My next post is actually for a gummy I tried a while ago, Haribo Smurfs.  A friend gifted me a case of these for Christmas and I was eager to try them.  As you can see from the image, these are extremely cute and the colors are very inviting, to me at least.  The smurf bodies are a bright translucent blue and the hats are clear and red.  These are actually a bit larger then a regular gummy, about an inch tall and half an inch wide, but they aren't that thick, about the thickness of a Swedish Fish.  These are very chewy and I'm not sure I would classify these as a gummy really, even though they are sold as a gummy.  These are more of a wine gum in texture, much like a Swedish Fish in this respect also.  The flavor is a light fruit flavor I couldn't quite put my finger on.  It may be raspberry, very nice but I wish it was a bit more intense.  The batch I had was a little hard but I have read that these are supposed to be very soft so I wonder if I may have had a stale batch.  I definitely will try these again to see if there is a change in texture.  I would recommend trying these if you like wine gum candies, but don't expect them to be like a traditional gummy bear.

Texture: These are about the same size and texture of the larger sized Swedish Fish, not really the texture I think of when I crave a gummy.

Flavors: The Smurfs are a light fruit flavor that is hard to identify, possibly raspberry or lingonberry.

Cost: $0.44/oz at

Availability: These are reportedly only sold in Germany and are not approved by the FDA.  You can locate these on several international food websites like

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