Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jolly Ranchers Awesome Twosome Chews

I love Jolly Ranchers, they have great tangy flavors, so when I saw these at Walmart, I decided to give them a try.  Surprisingly, there are only two flavors Watermelon/Green Apple and Cherry/Orange, but I think that was a great decision, you don't really need anything else.  These little nuggets are full of tang and zip, I just couldn't get enough.  The flavor combinations worked very well together.  The outer shell is the primary flavor, the inside paste adds a subtle layer to the overall taste.  The entire nugget is also coated with sour sugar, but it is not an overpowering coating.  The dust on these reminds me more of the dust on the Haribo Sour Mango then the strong dust on Sour Patch Kids.  I think a lot of the sour flavor comes more from the candy itself, allowing the sour sugar to be less intense.  I am a bit ashamed to admit that I ate the entire 6oz bag of these over the course of the night.  However, this did allow me to discover that unlike many sour candies, eating large quantities of the Awesome Twosomes does not burn your mouth, a problem I have experienced with Sour Patch Kids in the past.  I definitely think these are worth a try if you are a sour gummy fan.

Texture: These are very chewy and soft with a sour sugar coating.  The inside paste is pretty squishy but the overall texture was very nice to me.

Flavors: There are two flavors: Watermelon/Green Apple and Cherry/Orange.  I prefer the Cherry/Orange, but only slightly more, both flavor combinations are delicious.

Cost: $1.97 for a 6oz bag at Walmart.

Availability: I haven't noticed these before, but I assume they are readily available since most Hershey's candies can be found in any convienence store.

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